Dmarcian and subdomains

If a subdomain, for an active domain, is added automatically to the Summary page, will it then automatically be removed again, if no mail has been seen from it within the last 7 days? I seem to recall that they stayed put, but now I seem to lack at least one, possibly more subdomains.

If I go to the detail viewer, I can’t choose the subdomains, even though I am certain that historical data is available for it. In order to choose the subdomain, it apparently must be present in the Summary.

I am not the only user with access, so the subdomain could have been deleted manually, but no one can recall having done so.

Is this expected behaviour or a bug?


Hi UffeA

When a subdomain is collapsed under the primary, it will be removed after 7 days if no non-capable, DMARC capable, forwarding data was received, and no XML was uploaded during that time. However if a subdomain is legitimate, but only periodically sends with waiting periods greater than 7 days, then I recommend using the domain overview domain action of “set domains as top level” which will place the domain alongside the primary, and prevent auto-removal.

This is expected behaviour.

I hope this helps.


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