
Would someone kindly explain CNAME to me as if they were explaining it to child; and, how do I get the correct CNAME in my DNS settings.

Welcome back to the dmarcian forum.

A CNAME is just an alias. Think of it like William also answering to the name Bill.

If I have a resource, such as a website that I publish at and I want visitors to to also reach the same site, I may choose to publish a CNAME for the alias www that resolves to canonical name

This makes it easier to update my DNS if I need to move my website to a server with a different IP address. I only need to update the address for the canonical name ( and visitors using the www alias will still wind up in the right place since the CNAME returns the contents of the record at the canonical name.

Your question of

is impossible to answer as it is devoid of required context. If you explain why you think you need a CNAME and share any guide or directions you are following, you will improve your chances of getting a viable answer.

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Thank you. I understand.

Iā€™m asking because I have 3 CNAME entries that, I think, were created by Google workspace and I have no clue why they are there or if I should leave them or delete them.