Q: How do I cancel and/or delete my account?
A: For a paid account: If you make use of dmarcian’s online subscription capability, the account can be canceled in the Preferences -> Billing area.
A: Otherwise: please email support@dmarcian.com
Q: How do I get my google calendar alerts to pass DMARC?
A: You must set up a DKIM record at google._domainkey.your-domain-name
Q: How can I change a user on an account?
A: First, we’ll need to verify that the person making the request is authorized to do so. The first way is to prove that you recieved a password reset notification sent to the current user on the account. The second way, is to make a small, inconsequential change to your DMARC record in the DNS. Once you’ve communicated that either of these have been completed, we will verify make the requested change.